Health & Safety Policies and COVID Protocols

COVID Protocol & Health and Safety

  • We have not been advised of any updates from the school at this time, therefore the same protocols from last year pertaining to facility use will remain until otherwise notified. 
    • Use of change rooms is currently prohibited. Please come dressed ready to play and leave your shoes/belongings in the hallway outside the gym corridor. 
  • If you have tested positive for COVID or have COVID symptoms please do NOT attend volleyball. You may return to volleyball after 10 days (day 1 is the day after a positive test/symptoms appear). 
  • If someone in your house has tested positive for COVID, please only attend volleyball if you have tested negative within the last 24 hours and are NOT experiencing any symptoms.
  • If you are feeling unwell in ANY capacity, COVID or not, please do NOT attend volleyball. 
  • Children are NOT permitted at games